Sunday, June 6, 2010

REACH FOR THE STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reach for the stars is a reading incetive program set up by Usborne Books and More. Now is a great time to utilize this program to earn books for your child and a worthy cause. Many children are involved with the local library summer reading program, why not allow them to earn some free books along with participating in the library program. It works like this children read or are read to over a two week period of time for 300 minutes that amounts to 30 minutes a weekday. Children raise pledges from family and friends to further encourage their reading. Not only will children develop a healthy routine for reading but they also will recieve books for half of the amount of the pledges they recieve. What happens to the other half is up to you or your organization. The other half of the free books can go to a local children's hospital, needy family, school, library or other need there may be for children's books in your community.

Contact me if you or your organization would like to participate in a Reach for the Stars program. Children will be helping others, earning free books and all while building their reading skills or developing a love of reading through an adult reader.

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