Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I Learned this Week about Homeschooling High School

If you haven't yet take a look at the blog under my life homeschooling to see what I found out from other parents homeschooling high school students. I think I will need to start blogging differently on that page so everyone will not have to scroll all the way down. However, it looks so nice with the dates reading downwards instead of upwards.

OK so I joined an e-group on Yahoo called homeschool2college, while I have not posted I have been reading the other posts. Here too I also found homeschool high schoolers being prepared for the SAT or ACT. It was informative to learn that there is no diagramming on either test. This information will enable me to not only prepare my upcoming high schooler for college, but also the tests he will need to take. I also am going to change the way I do English with my 6th grader.

This topic got started by an individual seeking a solution for grammar. It was mentioned that knowledge of the parts of speech and punctuation are a big part of the tests. Various programs were mentioned, but one that I added to my favorites and will utilize this fall for my new high school student is The Blue Book of Grammar by Jane Straus. You need to take a look at this web site and blog, there is already so much without the book. The web sites includes English rules, videos, quizzes and more. What I like is we can see how it works before we invest in the book which is only $9.76 at Amazon.

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