Thursday, April 14, 2011

Planting Time is Here

Living in Louisiana has allowed us to already have our veggies and flowers planted. We are in full bloom and eagerly awaiting our veggies. Every day I go to see the progress of our garden, searching for buds, which we have.

This is a great way to spend time with children along with educating them at the same time. Not only can they learn all about plants, but also how to grow them and tend to them. My boys have enjoyed planting and reaping the harvest of their work.

We have started our garden with both seeds and seedlings. Brett started the watermelon from seeds, we used some plastic cups (which we poked holes in) and potting soil. At this point they need to be watered almost daily due to the small amount of water they recieve.

Children enjoy checking daily to see if there is any green showing. I have been experimenting with creating PDFs and created this one to keep track of plant growth and more.

Plant Lapbook

Gardening for Kids list of links check out the tickle me plant to cute.

Container Gardening is great for lack of space.

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