Friday, May 6, 2011

Teaching Children about Finances

My boys have been participating in a program called Lemonade Day, here in Louisiana it is tomorrow. We picked up the back packs and took a week to focus on the material provided. Brett commented that he had no idea how complicated running a business is. The boys had to go through all the steps any entrepreneur does in order to determine how much they wanted to make and how much they would need to achieve the goal plus pay back what they needed to started.

I became inspirted by a one of the speakers for the Homeschool Expo which was recently on Blog Radio, wish I could remember her name. One thing she said hit me, she said one of the main things she focused on while homeschooling her children was to make sure they were prepared for life. This not only meant finances, but also a skill which could be used during hard economic times, making sure they could also make money.

I decided to research some sites which would provide homeschoolers a way to educate their children before and during high school on finances. The following resources have lesson plans and some include online learning.

Hands on Banking Middle school through high school

Practical Money Skills for Life preschool and up, we had fun trying out the games.

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia elementary through high school

Financial Education Clearinghouse Activities that teach about finances along with links for more learning for elementary through high school.

Free Financial Worksheets this site is geared towards woman, but I believe these can work with older students.

Money Smart register to download free lesson plans and worksheets.

1 comment:

Clayton Thomas said...

Found you on Twitter. I'm pretty shocked this is your first comment. I found this to be an outstanding post! Finances are the "elephant in the room" in our school system. It's up to every parent to get this right. Your resources linked looked great as well. Thanks for sharing!

twitter: @claylauren2001